TAX PROBLEMSGarnished Wages

Garnishing your wages is one of the most common ways the IRS can force you to pay your federal tax bill.

This process allows the government to take a specified amount of money out of your paycheck every pay period until your debt is paid off. Your employer is required by law to garnish your wages if a garnishment is in place, but it cannot fire you because of the garnishment.

How to Stop A Garnishment

The easiest way to stop having your wages garnished? Pay your tax bill in full or set up a payment plan with the IRS. However, most people who are facing garnishment are unable to afford these options.

There are other alternatives that can allow you to get your paycheck back. These include making an Offer in Compromise, in which you work out a deal with the IRS to pay a smaller sum than you originally owed, or claiming financial hardship if your wages are garnished.

Having your wages garnished is a stressful experience, but having a qualified tax professional on your side can make all the difference when you are up against the IRS. Let us get you in touch with a tax pro who can get you the best possible outcome and save you the most money.

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